If ever there was a time in human history to celebrate the importance of vaccines, it is now. In one year, the COVID-19 virus emerged and became a pandemic, wrecking lives and the global economy—and then, vaccines were developed that limited the explosive growth of the contagion.

We have seen, however, that having an available vaccine is different than immunizing the world, and we remain mindful of the severe disparities the pandemic revealed, but that we already knew existed.

At the International Vaccine Institute, we understand our mission—to continue tackling these disparities, not just for COVID-19 but for the disease that impact the less wealthy parts of the world. 

As we celebrate our 25th anniversary and our many accomplishments so far, we keep our mission firmly in mind: contributing to a healthier, safer world by discovering, developing, and delivering vaccines to shield the most vulnerable populations from endemic and emerging infectious diseases.